Spiralfrau hat geschrieben:
Ja - es gibt sogar schon Studien, die "beweisen," dass Reiki in irgendeiner Form "funktioniert"!
Genau, wie z.B. diese hier:
Pain, Anxiety and Depression in Chronically Ill Patients with Reiki Healing
Linda J. Dressen and Sangeeta Singg
Published in Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1: 1998
Purpose: To measure the results of Reiki and its effect on pain, anxiety, and depression in chronically ill patients.
Procedure: 120 Patients who had been in pain for at least 1 year were trailed. Their complaints included: headaches, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, peptic ulcer, asthma, hypertension and HIV. Four different styles of treatment were performed on 3 groups of 20 people. The 4 styles of treatment were: Reiki, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, no treatment and false-Reiki. Each of the groups received 10 thirty-minute treatments, twice a week over 5 weeks. Patients were examined before and after the series of treatments. Reiki patients were examined 3 months after completion.
Findings: Reiki proved significantly superior (p<.0001-.04) to other treatments on 10 out of 12 variables.
At the 3 month check up these changes were consistent and there were highly significant reductions in Total Pain Rating Index (p<.0006) and in sensory (p<.0003) and Affective (p<.02) Qualities of Pain.
Conclusion: Significant effects of Reiki on anxiety, pain and depression are shown here. Some possible variables were not controlled.
Besonders die aufnahme der methode "false Reiki" in die studie finde ich bemerkenswert. das zeigt, dass die betreiber es wirklich "wissen wollten" und nicht irgendwas verkaufen.
wer nun millionen mit kursen eingesackt hat wie herr pearl sollte sowas doch auch zustandebekommen, zumal er ja in der medical community kein unbekannter ist. ich kann aber nix dergleichen finden.
was ich finden kann sind reconnection-fans die sich mit falschen federn schmücken:
dort werden zwar wissenschaftliche ergebnisse zu distance healing zitiert, die haben aber ALLE NIX mit reconnection zu tun.