The Venus Transit of June 2004 (engl.)

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Beitrag von Chipsi »

ich habe gerade diese HP entdeckt. ... tiv_id=309

Würde mich interessieren, was ihr dazu sagt.

Liebe Grüße

Beitrag von Ronja »


ich finde das Sonnenlicht ist heute besonders hell oder ist es Einbildung. Naja, ich werde den Tip von Spiralfrau umsetzen und mir ein Röntgenbild schnappen und gucken ..... in die Sonne.
Wer guckt durch ein Teleskop? Und wie ist die Sicht?

Liebe Grüße von Ronja, die sich ein Teleskop wünscht :P
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Beitrag von Frank »

Ich schieb den Thread mal zu Jan rüber...
"Hallo ihr inneren Kinder, ich bin der innere Babysitter" (Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)
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Master Jan
Beiträge: 1514
Registriert: 05.10.2003, 13:56

Beitrag von Master Jan »

Und? habt ihr schon ìrgendwelche wirkungen erspürt?
gebetet, meditiert oder euch sonstwie auf dieses ereignis eingestimmt?
es ist noch nicht zu spät dieses tor zu nutzen....
man kann in diesen tagen des transit auch um einen energie-download bitten. er beinhaltet codes für die weitere entwicklung. interessante erfahrung kann ich nur sagen :wink:

sehr kraftvoll und schön aber irgendwie auch mental erschöfpend....habe nicht gedacht dass langes meditieren geübt sein will *lach*

liebe grüße
Jesus sprach: Wer den Vater und die Mutter kennt, wird Sohn einer Hure genannt werden.
Master Jan
Beiträge: 1514
Registriert: 05.10.2003, 13:56

Beitrag von Master Jan »

hier noch ein paar zusätzliche Infos auf englisch:

So what is causing all this shifting? The Star Elders say it is the current
Venus Passover we have just entered. A Venus Passover is when Venus
retrogrades and passes in front of the Sun. Venus retrogrades every
260 days but it only passes over the sun every 122 years. The exact
Passover is on June 8th, beginning 5 am GMT, UK time zone (Pacific
Standard time it is from 9 PM on 6/7/04 to 4 am 6/8/04). It will take
about 7 hours for Venus to pass in front of the Sun. The last time this
happened was in 1882. No one alive today has felt this energy before.
The ancient Mayas call the Venus-Sun Passover the return of
Quetzacoatal but is also symbol of death and a rebirth of a higher
consciousness. The Venus Passover repeats again on June 6th 2012,
the very near of the end of the Mayan Long count calendar (ending on
12/21/2012) and the ending of a huge 26000-year cycle. In
Christianity the Venus-Sun Passover symbolizes the return of the Christ
Consciousness. Christ and Quetzacoatal are both messengers of love
and wisdom, light and knowledge.
Venus is like a Holy Grail in the stars holding the power of the feminine,
the power of love, and the power of abundance. Our Sun is power house
of lighted divine wisdom. When the two planets cross paths it will give
us the ability to take all relationships, intimate and otherwise to the
next higher level.

Jesus sprach: Wer den Vater und die Mutter kennt, wird Sohn einer Hure genannt werden.
Beiträge: 5382
Registriert: 23.03.2002, 02:00
Wohnort: Bei Köln

Beitrag von Ameise »

Ich *denke* Ich habe sie gesehen ... aber ich brauche *definitiv* eine neue Brille ...

Ich hatte noch eine "Brille" von der letzten Sonnenfinsternis. ;)
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 13.04.2004, 17:48

Beitrag von Fael »


Ja das hab ich heute auch bemerkt die sonne ist ja unglaublich grell.

Schade das ich keine spezialbrille habe, muss mich mit webcams vergnügen.

Beitrag von Ronja »


iirgendwie klappt es nicht mit dem Röntgenbild *lach* Die Sonne versteckt sich auch vor mir. Meine Nachbarin guckte eben schon ganz komisch zu mir rüber, weil ich schon Verrenkungen gemacht habe mit dem Röntgenbild :wink: Naja, dann gucke ich es mir per Webcam an.

Ronja 8)
Beiträge: 5382
Registriert: 23.03.2002, 02:00
Wohnort: Bei Köln

Beitrag von Ameise »

Hat mal einer die Webcams aus den Links beobachtet ?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 13.04.2004, 17:48

Beitrag von Fael »

@Alrik Joa ich, mir bleibt nichts anderes übrig.

Beitrag von Ronja »

Na klar..... interessanter Punkt :lol:
Vorhin habe ich doch noch einmal durch das Röntgenbild geguckt - liess mir keine Ruhe - und die Sonne sah wie eine Energiekugel aus - ganz anders als sonst und es waren irgendwie noch vier Strahlen zu sehen, aber einen schwarzen Punkt habe ich nicht gesehen - bin ja auch kurzsichtig :wink:

Röntgen-R :upside: nja
Master Jan
Beiträge: 1514
Registriert: 05.10.2003, 13:56

Beitrag von Master Jan »

hier noch ein entscheidender hinweis auf die wirkungsweise der venus auf unsere zeit und unser herz
dazu passen einen meditation fürs herzen

liebe grüße

Venus Transit: Opening the doorway to the Heart of Venus

By Deborah Knighton Tallarico

Here we stand at the doorway of yet another powerful passage on earth, the
Venus Passage of June 8th, 2004, that will open the Doorway of the Heart of
Venus for the next eight years. Even though this passage occurs, usually in
pairs, every 120 years, never before has this occurred at such a powerful
time on earth, when human consciousness is accelerating and awakening at
such a rapid pace.

As Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, the Sun will blaze a
powerful imprint of Venus’s loving and seductive energies on Humanity's
awakening Soul. As the Sun Illuminates Her Beauty and Love, She is sure to
stimulate and awaken our hearts to new levels of Love, Passion, Devotion and
Intimacy, melting down the walls of separation that keep us from the
experience of our inherent Oneness with each other and ALL-THAT-IS.

This nearly 7 hour transmission of the Creative, Yang Radiating Heart Rays
of the blazing Golden Sun with the more Receptive, Yin, Alluring and
Magnetic Heart Energy of Venus is sure to penetrate and transform us forever
if our hearts are open to receive the blessings of the initiation. This is
surely a new doorway opening into the Ecstatic Dance of the Masculine and
Feminine that will give birth to the Divine Child, the Christ Consciousness
on Earth.

According to the Mayans it is also the return of Quetzalcoatl, the winged
serpent, who winds up the Mystical Tree of Life, awakening the kundalini of
the Earth and our sleeping bodies, transforming our very Soul. It is He who
flung himself into the sacred fires of alchemical transformation, over his
guilt of his incestuous bond with his sister, to become none other than
Venus in the Sky.

So is it that we need to take any shame, guilt, separation and wounds of our
hearts and throw them into the symbolic sacred fire, for the burning rays of
the Sun to transform and transmute them into the fountain of Love of the
Radiant Goddess giving birth to the Divine Sun Child, the Christ
Consciousness on Earth.

What on Earth are we to do? How are we to prepare and open ourselves to
receive this transmission and these powerful blessings and energies? It is
important to remember that this first passage of Venus, on June 8th, 2004 is
an “initiationâ€
Jesus sprach: Wer den Vater und die Mutter kennt, wird Sohn einer Hure genannt werden.

Beitrag von fleur »

ach bitte, jan, hast du nicht auch eine herzmeditation in deutsch?

... ist nun doch nicht mehr nötig, da ich eine herz-chakra-meditation von Ephrahim unter meditationstexte gefunden habe!

Beiträge: 499
Registriert: 13.03.2003, 20:05
Wohnort: Köln

Beitrag von Amara »

Ich hab den Durchmarsch ganz kurz vor Ende auch noch gesehn!
Vor nem Optiker stand ne Schlange Leute auf der Strasse, hab mir zuerst gedacht: was wird denn hier verkauft? Aber der hatte zu WErbezwecken nen Teleskop mit Sicht-Schutz aufgebaut und jeder durfte mal gucken... schön :zunge:

Beitrag von Spiralfrau »


Also mit meinem "dunkelsten" Rötgenbild konnte man der Verlauf prima beobachten. Die Sonne erschien mir auch wesentlich greller als sonst.
Die Stimmung wirkte sich gestern auf mich insofern aus, als dass ich durch starke Schmerzen ziemlich außer Gefecht gesetzt war. Danke Eurem FR geht es heute schon besser. War ein guter Zeitpunkt auf der Liege in der Sonne zu meditieren - hätte ich sonst wohl nicht gemacht!

Einen schönen Tag für alle wünscht

Master Jan
Beiträge: 1514
Registriert: 05.10.2003, 13:56

Beitrag von Master Jan »

Dear Friends,

I know there is a lot of information circulating about the solar eclipse that occured June 8, and the energies of Venus that have been pouring in before the eclipse and are to continue for some time. I have been so preoccupied that I have been
only vaguely aware of much of it, so the message I received in the wee hours of last Sunday (see below) was a surprise. I have run it by Tanis Helliwell as I was instructed before sending it out, and she also feels there is "very strong energy happening just now".

The message appears important and asks our help in anchoring in a new Ray for the Earth. So I ask you please, as always, go inside and see if this feels right for you. If so, please join together in intent June 15, or at any time that works for you, as it is the intent that matters. Please send this to other lightworkers and world servers as you feel guided.

I think most of you know that Sanat Kumara is the son of the Goddess of Venus. As I understand it, thousands of years ago when the Earth was in danger of destruction, he volunteered to hold the energy for the Earth as part of his evolutionary path
until there were members of our race who had ascended and could do this. Many others on Venus joined him in this. The morning after I received the message, I also received the attached e-mail from a Sandy Akers of a transmission by the angels, Aksha and Asun brought through by Craig Russell of Vancouver - a cource I trust. I thought you might also find it interesting.

Thanks for taking the time to consider this request.

Love & Blessings,

Message from Sanat Kumara - June 6, 2004 at 1:10 A.M.

I Am Sanat Kumara coming to you at this time and I am grateful for your willingness to accept this message. Please continue without doubting, and I will give you a message of import that is to be shared with Tanis Helliwell of the IIT (International
Institute of Transformation) and then with your companions in this organization, the IIT, as well as other Lightworkers in various places on the globe.

It is a message of some import in that we are asking the help of those in the IIT and those like-minded people everywhere on the planet. Much is at stake at this time, and it is important that this work reach fullfillment. You are guided to trust this and to follow the instructions that I will give to you. Do not doubt.

(All right I will put all doubts aside and I gratefully accept your message. Please continue.)

Good, now we can get down to business. Many light years away is taking place something that is of great significance to your Earth planet, which I have lovingly watched over for some time, as you know. There are many in this galaxy that have your earth home deeply embedded in their hearts and who are very interested in seeing all of you come into the galactic community. As you know, progress on Earth - and lack of progress sometimes - is watched with great interest and with love by many.

It is this I wish to speak of because there is a great gathering at this time from the hearts of these off your world who wish to see all follow the Divine plan on Earth. It has been a great experiment and one not without sacrifice and difficulties. Many have sacrificed that your Earth will come in its own time to maturity and to Light to become a star and take its place in the rest of the galaxy as has always been intended. But there are many who do not wish to see this happen, as you may imagine.

And so it is with great hope and wishes for completion that I bring this message. The help of many of you on your planet is needed at this time to join with those off the planet who have your highest interest at heart as a world. We seek out those who are of the Light and have come as World Servers to work with us in what is coming. That is why we seek Tanis and those who follow her - along with many others on the Earth. But primarily, those affiliated with her organization, the IIT, are united in a goal of World Service. This is what has attracted your souls and personalities to this organization because it is your destiny in this lifetime to become and to move fully into World Service. There is no greater opportunity for your soul or your personality than exists right now to join with us in bringing in the energies that are so important at this time.

It is greatly to be desired that we have those on your Earth to work with us who have a pure heart, who are dedicated to World Service and who can help us by anchoring in the energies that we are sending by anchoring them in the third dimension on your plane into your Mother, the Earth, at this time.

There will be a great gathering soon - June 15th - is this auspicious date and will be attended by all - many of great stature - who have been faithful to Earth's plight and to her journey. This gathering will produce by the intent of our hearts, in accordance with the Divine - and approved by the Divine - we shall join together in sending in a great Ray that has not before this time been sent to or reached the Earth. Indeed, it has not been possible to send this particular Ray to the Earth until now for a great many reasons. You must trust this - this information is true. And it will only be successful if those of you will work with us who have the heart and the courage and the love to help it succeed.

We need for you to alert many others and this message is being given to others across the planet also. We need for you to come together in heart and soul and minds and intent and will - to receive this energy as it comes in. And of like mind to bring it through your own Divine Dear Selves combined with your personalities, bringing it through yourselves and your bodies even and bringing it down into your Mother, the Earth - down into the planet into a particular receptacle that she has prepared for this energy.

This energy is not like any other that has come before, but is particularly for this time and Earth Mother knows exactly what to do with it, but she needs your help also to bring it down, to send it deep into her, anchoring it with your Love, receiving it and transmitting it with your intent. It is part of the plan that this be a joint action between those of the Universe, of the galaxy and those of the sentient earth beings. Other races are participating in this also and we must have the participation of your race.

Please know that this is all attended with the greatest love that has ever poured fourth to the world - your world - up to now. We await with anticipation your response and your participation because together we can usher in what has not been before in a way that will enable the Light to become the dominant force on the planet in a different way - one that will help to usher in the new heaven on earth, as some of you may call it. This is the most important work some of you will ever do, so
please do not take this lightly. It is a great responsibility that we are asking of you.

I know that you will give this to those who must receive it. Tanis will know of this before you tell her. We are asking that you communicate with each other to join together to do this on the same date - this June 15th - at an agreed upon time.
We are suggesting 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time as an auspicious time, but this is not the only time it may take place. (Suggested date and time were again confirmed.)

Excellent! This is what we are asking. So come together in your hearts, in your minds and your intent at this time - opening yourselves as a vessel -as a receptacle - for this energy with the greatest of your love, receiving it and with intent, pouring it - letting it pour down through your cells and into Mother Earth - seeing it penetrate all the way down into the Earth to this perfect and beautiful receptacle that she has prepared deep within her heart - within the heart of her.

Once it is there, this energy will be transmutted to a form which can be used in the way the Divine intended, and then your job in this is complete and we will take over from there, assisting Mother Earth.

We are many who have waited a long, long, long time for this to transpire. We know that you will not fail to do as you are asked and we shower upon you our love and blessings for the work which all of you do. Go in Peace now, with our Love and our Hope.

I Am Sanat Kumura - and I Am your shining star. Go in Peace - with Peace in your hearts. This I give you - this I leave with you - Peace, my Beloveds.

Message received by Terry Frank
Roanoke, VA, June 2, 2004
Jesus sprach: Wer den Vater und die Mutter kennt, wird Sohn einer Hure genannt werden.